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Good Maintenance Input Guarantees Better Economic Output

18NX Solar Power Project’s maintenance and overhaul tasks started on 14 December 2021. The tasks of the day were the measurement of the voltage of connector in PV modules and the checks on the grounding and insulation of PV module metal shell.

Since the task was heavy, the project manager CHEN Long himself led three Vietnam O&M staff to handle the business. Through the measurement of MC connector open circuit voltage, the hidden danger of abnormal voltage was eliminated. 

Next, manager CHEN organized the O&M staff to carry out the measurement of the meatal shell grounding and insulation conditions, and eliminated the threats of PV module. 

The detailed and patient lecture of manager CHEN encouraged the Vietnamese staff, and the 8h of work was finished within 7 hours. After work, the staff showed appreciation for manager CHEN’s teaching. Manager CHEN talked about future gatherings and celebrations of staff and wished the staff to feel happy when working for the project. 

This Maintenance and Overhaul work guaranteed the good performance of power generation equipment, eliminated potential dangers, and promotes the economic performance for the owner. 

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